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Days 01 & 02 - The Long Way To Croatia

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It all started with a collection of atheletes and some parents in the parking lot at Newport Harbor.  After two international flights, all was left was:
The bus ride to Sibenik
Distance - 350Km, estimated travel time - 3 hours, 19 minutes

It was 24 hours door to door to travel from Newport Harbor to Sibenik, Croatia.  The drive was one of great beauty and there were frequent comparisons to various landscapes in California (Santa Ynez, high desert, etc.).  Apparently the freeway we took was constructed within the last decade and includes many tunnels through the rugged Croatia landscape.  A couple of the tunnels were quiet long (longer than you can hold your breath!).

There were a number of small towns along the way, set in the middle of lush green valleys.

The boys are now getting some much needed sleep.  The hearty, buffet dinner was a delicious and nutritional way to end the day.

We look forward to tomorrow!


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